The master plan of Nakhchivan

General and economic plan of Nakhchivan city, general plan of Ordubad, Shahbuz cities


A set of normative documents regulating urban planning and construction activities

Application form

Acceptance of citizens' electronic applications

Interactive map

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

5.5 thousand sq. km

Composition of the region


Giving an opinion on the intention of construction

Providing an opinion on the construction intention regarding the allocation of land belonging to the state and the municipality

Checking projects

Verification of urban planning justification projects submitted for approval

Checking compliance with documents

Verification of the compliance of construction projects for which construction permits are required with urban planning documents

Issuance of copies of documents

Issuance of copies of documents stored in the archive of the center

Determine the compatibility of objects

Catering facilities and mobile trades in the building of the city of Nakhchivan that do not have a substantial building